Communicatio optima
Eva-Maria Schottdorf MD MSc – Emergency Physician | Author | Trainer
Order your individual PCM Personality Profile today!
1. Meet a Fascinating Personality - Yourself
As we all do, you include all the PCM Personality Types of the Process Communication Model®, in short PCM, within yourself.
- Which of the Personality Types defines you the most?
- What sets you apart?
- What psychological needs have you got?
- What can you do if you become distressed?
Answers to these questions lie in your individual PCM Personality Profile.

Example of a PCM Personality Structure: The dominant Personality Type is on the groundfloor, above it are the others in decending order. You can find more on the Personality Structur on our PCM page in the eighth (8.) paragraph.
You can read more about the Personality Types on the following pages:

2. The Questionnaire Establishes Your PCM Personality Profile
As soon as you have ordered your Personality Profile with me, you will receive an email containing a link which guides you to the internationally standardised PCM questionnaire.
In this email, you will receive all the information you will be needing to fill in the questionnaire.
Briefly, you will have as much time as you need to fill in 45 questions online. Don´t get stressed, there are no right or wrong answers. All answers are equal.
Of course, I am available if you have any questions.
3. Your PCM Personality Profile - Discussed with You in an Individual Consultation
As soon as you have filled in your questionnaire, your documents will be generated. Then, I will make an appointment with you for the consultation. This usually takes from one hour to one hour and a half.
I offer the consultations, as well as the accompanying documents in English, too.
On the basis of the documents generated for you personally, we will discuss in particular (generally, as well as with respect to you):
- Personality Types
- character strengths
- psychological needs
- behaviour in distress and how to avoid distress
In your documents, you will find further reading material and descriptive graphics concering all PCM components. You can read and use them to look up certain items as often as you please.

Accompanying documents to the PCM Personality Profile
Your Advantages in the Individual Consultation
- it is all about you and your personality
- confidential setting, no other seminar participants around you
- you can take your time to ask your questions
- I´ve got time just for you
For consultations taking place in and around Munich, we can make a personal appointment. I offer all other consultations online .
Of course, I treat all your data, as well as the content of all conversations confidentially.
4. How to Use Your PCM Personality Profile Every Day
Your PCM Personality Profile Shows You Your Character Strengths
After the consultation, you will know your main Character Strengths. Thus, you will better understand, why you perform some tasks easily, whereas others pose a challenge for you.
With PCM and the access to all of the floors of your Personality Structure, you can use even those Character Strengths, you show less spontaneously. Hence, you broaden the spectrum of your skills.
What Sort of Communication Do You Prefer?
Do you prefer open questions, or short statements? How about an occational little joke? Your Personality Profile reveals to you, how you communicate best and without unneccessary stress.
Your Psychological Needs According to Your PCM Personality Profile
Every Personality Type has its own psychological needs. As we are made up of all the Personality Types, we also have all the matching needs.
You will see which ones are most important to you, when you look at your Personality Structure.
How to Recognise and Avoid Distress
Each Personality Type has its characteristic distress behaviour, which is observable second by second. If you know yours, you can act in good time.
Your PCM Personality Profile Contains Your Action Plan
The accompanying documents contain your personal action plan, which shows you how to satisfy your psychological needs. Doing this, you make sure that you have enough energy for all your tasks and plans, and for distress prevention.
5. Use Your Knowledge Together with Your Fellow Human Beings
If you apply PCM regularly, you will constantly improve your ability to assess your fellow human beings´ prevailing personality types.
In private, you will achieve:
- communication that suits your loved ones
- identifcation of psychological needs
- distress prevention
- taken together, successful relationships with the people who are important to you
Professionally, you will achieve:
- appropriate communication with your coworkers
- even better service for your customers or patients
- your employees´ higher satisfaction when using their individually preferred management style
- consequently, a better operational result
6. Prices and Included Services
Discussion of Your PCM Personality Profile
315,00 euros including VAT
Included in the price are:
- the generation of your PCM Personality Profile (done centrally and not by me, about 45% of the price)
- the accomanying documents (booklet, A4 format, about 40 pages according to the profile, additional graphics, which are easy to comprehend)
- your personal consultation (60-90 min, according to your wishes)
In these economically difficult times, I won´t increase my prices (as of January 2024).
Discounts after Your PCM Personality Profile Has Been Discussed
- when booking your PCM Seminar One with me: 200,00 euros
- for your first booking of any other seminar with me: 50,00 euros
If You Wish a Consultation on-Site in Munich
For this, my business address would be perfect. It is located a few minutes´ walk from Munich Central Station:
Alte Hopfenpost
Hopfenstraße 8
80335 Munich
As stated in section 3., all other consultations take place online.
These prices apply to private individuals. If you want to order PCM Personality Profiles without a seminar as an organisation or a business, please contact me, as prices for the questionnaire itsself vary depending on the size and kind of business or organisation.
7. Order Your PCM Personality Profile
Your order is chargeable, because I have to agree to pay when ordering your questionnaire from the umbrella organisation, as well.
8. Have You Got Any Questions Concerning Your Personality Profile?
You can reach me by phone under:
You can send me your message here:
The email address is:
Usually, I answer within one work day.
9. Customers Say
Naturally, I enjoy hearing and reading your suggestions and comments as these are truly valuable to me. I have gathered previous feedback on an extra page for you.
On my PCM page there´s something for all Personality Types
Practice makes perfect! I provide you with valuable facts, practical tips, and exciting exercises in my seminars.
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