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Eva-Maria Schottdorf MD MSc – Emergency Physician | Author | Trainer
Here, You Will Find:
1. Self-Publishing Author - a Multi-Facetted Profession
Being a self-publishing author is like a new profession, which we exercise in self-employment. For this, we need a vast knowledge and pay attention to various details. We need to accomplish this without any formal training according to an official curriculum, which entails some advantages, but also challenges.
It is this insight, but also the knowledge and the necessary skills that I would like to share with you, step by step and simple to understand. In addition, you will learn how exciting and rewarding this profession is if we consider the aspects, which lead to success, carefully.
2. What Moves Us When We Write Textbooks?
This is a question that every single one of us can only answer him- or herself. Only we ourselves know what we want to tell whom and why. It is vital, though, to take the time and explore what motivates us and what goals we want to reach. Are we so passionate about our topic? Are we of the mind that it might make a difference in the lives of our readers? What is your personal aim?
3. This Is What We Need for Our Textbooks
In addition to an easily comprehensible, yet captivating language, we need to acquire many more skills, amongst them:
- being able to decide with what content we want to occupy ourselves and why it matters
- being able to reflect on demanding topics in-depth and understand them
- knowing where to find sources for our texts and choosing the right ones
- being able to structure the intended content logically and in manageable portions
- knowing how to explain complex subject matter clearly
- being able to split up the subject matter deftly and visualise it using various techniques
- we need to know when to use what types of figures
- we should know books with all their parts well, be able to produce them ourselves and love them
- humorous remarks are not forbidden
- everything that you can add
4. Now, Business Knowledge Comes Into Play
If we like, we have the opportunity to take every single step in the creation of a book into our own hands, from the first idea over the finished manuscript to our published book. Beyond that, we will constantly accompany our books after their publication, which includes updates in the same way as marketing them.
We will decide how much of that we want to execute ourselves and what tasks we want to hire out to services. How much time do we want to spend with the business tasks that our books involve? How does this business relate to all our other tasks? Do we want to write "just" one book or entire series? How will we use our books to generate further streams of revenue?
The book series "Author-Publisher of Textbooks", which will be introduced below, will deal with all items we have mentioned so far.
5. Which Book Version Is the Right One for You?
5.1. The Book Title

You will be able to obtain all versions mentioned below in German and English.
5.2. This Series Will Consist of Several Parts, as Well
Presumably, there will be volumes with 120-150 pages in the main part of the book, which will come in a clearly laid-out "Letter" format. I will divide everything worth knowing about writing and publishing of textbooks and beyond into the sections outlined below. From those, I will derive the separate volumes:
- First part: all about writing, literature search, reading scientific articles and assessing them, as well as how to quote correctly, synergy of text, figures and didactic features
- Second part: the creation of the books from first draft to the finished file to be uploaded for electronic or print publication, workbooks, audiobooks, how to turn course- and seminarscripts, as well as blogs into books
- Third part: how to create the necessary accounts with the online distributors and shops, which of those offer what services, which of those operate in what markets worldwide, selling books from the author´s website, working on the website
- Fourth part: all about the business, from accounting to marketing and creating additional revenue streams (f. ex. speaking, seminars), using services (f. ex., marketing, accounting, maintaining the website), long-standing professional connections of textbook authors
- Additional themes in the series: full-time or part-time author, coordination of an author´s tasks with all other duties, how to calculate the income and how to choose the right business model, networks and international associations of self-publsihing and nonfiction authors, training courses, book fairs, conferences in the respective field of expertise
5.3. Accompanying Workbooks
In these workbooks, you will primarily find exercises, guidance, and checklists, which you can use to transfer the contents onto your textbooks, their publication, your business as a self-publishing author, and your network.
5.4. Electronic and Printed Books
You will be able to select the printed (paperback, print-on-demand) or the electronic version of all books. The ebooks will come in a fixed layout due to their figures and didactic features.

6. Estimated Prices, Order, and Delivery
Below, you will find information on the book prices, and how you can order them on this website, as well as how you will receive your ordered books.
6.1. Prices
Presumably, you may expect the following prices, which might still be altered depending on the number of figures, as well as probable changes in printing costs:
single volumes, ebooks: 19,99 euros
single volumes, print-on-demand: 25,99 euros
Workbooks, ebooks: 19,99 euros
Workbooks print-on-demand: 25,99 euros
All prices include VAT. For print-on-demand books shipping costs will be added.
These are the official prices, which I will set on all platforms, as well. They pertain to the respective German and English versions. If you buy from my website, I will grant you attractive discounts between 5 and 10%, depending on your minimum order value. In addition, I will grant you an early payment discount of 3% if you buy on account (reglular customers and businesses).
6.2. The Processing of Your Book Orders on This Website
In order to ensure that you will receive your ordered books quickly and smoothly, I use the services described below.
BookFunnel Will Deliver EBooks to You
After your order and payment on this website, you will receive your books from BookFunnel. There, a comprehenisve serviceawaits you in case you have any questions about how to download a book onto a particular reading device.
Print-on-Demand, Advantages and Delivery
Print-on-Demand has the advantage that only those books will be produced that have really been purchased. In traditional publishing, it unfortunately happens that unsold copies are eventually destroyed.
For the print-on-demand books, which you order on my website, I will use BookVault. It usually delivers the ordered books to you within seven days.
7. I Must Beg You to Bear With Me Until You Can Preorder
I must be patient, as well, because I want to offer you carefully thought-out books, which, despite all efforts, does take time in addition to other work.
I am happy to accept advance orders, but only when I will have sent the first volumes to the proofreader (presumably in the spring of 2025). I will keep you updated in my Newsletter .
As soon as the books are available, I will provide you with the order form here, including payment options (instant transfer, advance payment, credit card, PayPal, purchase on account for regular customers and businesses).
8. Bulk Order Option for Corporate Clients
In case you want to order a larger number of copies for your staff or your class, please use the form below (it will be available in the spring of 2025). If you order 20 copies or more, I will give you a discount of 15% off the regular price of the respective version. If you order 50 copies or more, your discount will be 25%.

9. Your Questions and More for Authors
Of course, I am available if you have any questions. Please Contact me on the phone, via email, by mail, or use the contact form.
You would like to discuss the publication or the marketing of your textbook outside of a training course? You are thinking about how you want to design your business and are seeking answers? Then, take a look at my Consulting for Textbook Authors (available from March 2024).
You can learn more about why I want to pass on to you what pecularities I have found out about the publishing and marketing of textbooks in my Profile.
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