Communicatio optima
Eva-Maria Schottdorf MD MSc – Emergency Physician | Author | Trainer
About the Book Series "A Special CRM Collection" you can read here:
1. Origin of the CRM Book Series
In my Blog , I highlight important, exciting, or unusual themes from the entire field of CRM every month. In order to illustrate the concerning subject matter for you, I use numerous examples from aviation and the daily work in prehospital emergency medicine. When I´m writing, it really matters to me that you can take away something valuable for your daily routine even without any previous knowledge of CRM.
As I publish an article every month and as I´m planning to continue with that, the collection has grown substantially over the past three years. In fact, it has grown so much that I have decided to revise the earlier blog articles and summarise them in books.
The article of September 2024: Unauthorised People on the Runway
The article of August 2024: Deadly Knife Attacks in Public
2. What the Special CRM Collection Has in Store for You
- the articles have been made into separate chapters, which you can study independently from one another
- these have been didactically organised with tables of contents, and mnemonics, new coloured figures, and additional tables, as well as clearly laid-out summaries
- all contents of the CRM Book Series will be updated continuously
- top tips and secrets reveal CRM insider information for you
- you will find many a suggestion on how to integrate into your daily routine what you have just read
3. The Cover of the CRM Book Series, the Available Versions, Preview
3.1. Here Is the Book Cover

You will be able to obtain all of the versions mentioned below in German and English.
3.2. Electronic and Printed Versions Are Waiting to Be Purchased
You will be able to buy all versions as ebooks and in print (paperback, print-on-demand). The electronic versions will be published in a fixed layout due to the figures and didactic tools.

3.3. Preview of Volume 1 of the Special CRM Collection
Take a look at the preview, which comes as 3D flipbooks. The English version is on the right, the German version on the left.
4. Prices, How to Order, and Delivery
Below, you will find information on the book prices, and how you can order them on this website, as well as how you will receive your ordered books.
4.1. Prices
Ebooks: 14,99 euros
Paperbacks, print-on-demand: 19,99 euros
3D Flipbooks: 19,99 Euro
All prices include VAT. For print-on-demand books shipping costs will be added.
These official prices, which I will also charge on all platforms, pertain to the respective German and English versions. If you buy from this website directly, I will offer you a discount between 5 und 10% according to a minimum order price (49,00 and 99,00 euros, respectively).
4.2. The Order Process on This Website
Here, I will outline briefly for you, how you will receive your ordered books quickly and smoothly.
EBooks (PDF in a Fixed Layout and 3D Flipbooks)
Once you have ordered on this website and payed, you will receive an email with a password and the link to the page, from which you can download the book.
Print-on-Demand has the advantage that only those books will be produced that have really been purchased. In traditional publishing, it unfortunately happens that unsold copies are eventually destroyed.
For the print-on-demand books, which you order on my website, I use BookVault. This service usually delivers the ordered books to you within seven days.
5. Order Your Copy
As I am going to order the books myself first in order to examine them and as adjustments may be necessary, e. g. concerning the colours, I assume that the printed books will be available by the end of April (as of April 4th, 2024).
As of April 4th, 2024: Currently, there is a technical problem with the order form below. I am already working on it. In the meantime, would you please send me your order via email to: service@communicatio-optima.com. Thank you very much for your understanding.
6. Bulk Order Option for Corporate Clients
Falls Sie für Ihre Belegschaft oder eine Ausbildungsgruppe eine größere Anzahl an Exemplaren erwerben wollen, nutzen Sie bitte das obenstehende Formular. Geben Sie bitte im Feld „Ihre Nachricht“ an, wieviele Bücher Sie bestellen wollen. Ab 20 Exemplaren gewähre ich Ihnen 15% Nachlaß auf den Verkaufspreis der jeweiligen Version, ab 50 Exemplaren 25%.

7. In Case You Need Any Further Information
Of course, I am available if you have any questions. Please Contact me on the phone, via email, by mail, or use the contact form.
You want to know more about CRM ? The first volumes of my comprehensive CRM Book will be published in December 2024. If you want to practise hands-on, book a Seminar.
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