Action! Yes, Right Now!
People who are mainly Promoters need excitement, which means a lot of action within a short amount of time, in order to feel alive. They excel in adapting to any situation at work or in their private lives.
They get things done without extensive planning. They must get the show on the road, and yes, right now! Hence, they sometimes act without prior thinking, which may lead them into a difficult situation.
Like no other personality type, the Persister needs competition. So much so, that he or she will create one out of any situation, whether it is about pulling from the traffic lights or sales figures.
Persons with a strong Promoter need to experience quick successes, for example bonuses that are paid instantly. They do not strive to reach their 20th company anniversary. After a failure, they do not bemoan their mishap for a long time, but are ready for the next challenge. Also after major losses, such as a business failure.
No Risk, No Fun!
People who are mainly Promoters love taking risks, including hazardous sports, gambling, as well as risky business deals. They need challenges in their private lives and in the workplace. A subsidiary deeply in the red? "Leave it to me!" they may say, being certain that they will turn the situation around.
They perceive life as a chain of opportunities, gliding past them like pearls on a string. They recognise these possibilities as quick as lightning and grab them courageously.
People who are mainly Promoters love promoting their public image. They tend to wear expensive designer clothes and matching accessories. They must let the ones around them know about their brilliant actions. While doing so, they love to be encircled by admirers.

What We Will Elucidate About the Personality Type Promoter in the Seminar
The different personality types are fascinating, are they not? And which one is on extra good terms with the Promoter? We will explore this topic in Seminar One already.
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Pay a visit to the other Personality Types: