Persistent People with Commitment
Respect and values are crucial to people who are mainly Persisters. At the job, as well as during their spare time, they campaign committedly for their moral concepts, for instance, in the steering committee of a sports club. This contribution to society, associated with the transmission of values, is of major importance to them.
They are extremely observant and conscientious, which benefits them greatly at work. Many of them strive to reach the top of the career ladder. Usually, they succeed. The further up we look in the hierarchy, the larger the share of persons with a strong Persister becomes.
Their goals are not mere goals. They must have a value attached to them, which means that goals must match their moral concepts.
Respect and trust are of vital importance to them. They claim both for themselves and their values. On the other hand, they respect and trust others, too. As teachers, educators, and managers they can be demanding, and they expect loyalty. In return, they fully stand up for their protégés and subordinates.
They value good quality, concerning both work and items with which they surround themselves. The latter may be antiques that express durability, as well as solidity.

The Personality Type Persister and Opinions
They have clear opinions, not only with respect to their moral concepts, but also concerning topics such as politics and questions of faith. They love to discuss their opinions passionately. They consider their opinions to have permanence, and they appreciate it if they are recognised.
Find Out More in My Seminar
One personality type is very similar to the Persister. Can you guess which one? We will gather during our seminars, how strong the similarity is, and where there are crucial differences.
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You can order an individual personality profile with personal discussion , as well.
Ample information about PCM.
Pay a visit to the other Personality Types: