They Exude Calmness and Possess Enormous Depth
If someone owns a strong Imaginer he or she is imperturbably calm, which also has an appeasing effect on group dynamics. These persons, who seem to be so unmoved, have a substantial inner life.
They must take their time to think about things in-depth. In doing so, they unveil connections which evade others who employ superficial observation.
People with a strong Imaginger often display an unimpressive appearance. Fashion, styling, and accessories only distract them. Moreover, they are not interested in particularly decorating their rooms.
They are usually highly dexterous and let their thoughts wander whilst gardening, for instance. Additionally, they produce stable high quality work when carrying out routine tasks.
Their Valuable Contributions and Their Needs Are Easily Overlooked
Persons with a strong Imaginer behave calmly and unobtrusively. Hence, they are easily overlooked, for example, at familiy celebrations or in their circle of friends.
This also happens at work, perhaps during a conference. As they seldom rise to speak, their valuable and well thought-out ideas, as well as their extraordinary hints and solutions to problems go unnoticed by the rest of the staff.
In order to dedicate themselves to their intense contemplation and to their strong inner life, persons who are mainly Imaginers need a considerable amount of alone time. They can endure huge gatherings with lots of noise, impressions, and a colourful chaos only in moderation. Therefore, they preferably avoid them.
When left alone with clear-cut tasks at the job, they work highly concentrated and deliver robust quality.

What You Will Learn About the Personality Type Imaginer in My Seminars
Should we do anything if someone keeps to him-, or herself at a party? How does the Imaginer´s need to be alone differ from other personality types´ need? And with how many persons prefer others to be? I will give you insightful answers in my Seminar One.
Learn more about my seminars.
You can order an individual personality profile with personal discussion , as well.
Ample information about PCM.
Pay a visit to the other Personality Types: