Here, you can find the latest news about blog articles, and planned books, seminars, and other topics:
The Unauthorised Access to the Runway Holds Unforeseen Hazards
September 30th, 2024
Fortunately, the forced access of certain activists to airports and the occupation of runways have not resulted in an incident or an air crash until now. However, in what way are the operations at the airport disturbed so profoundly that fatal errors might be made? What role do even the smallest objects play, which are possibly left behind on the runway? We will highlight the potential consequences in the latest article.
A Celebration Comes to an End After a Deadly Knife Attack
August 30th, 2024
The celebrations of the 650th anniversay of the City of Solingen, Germany, was abandoned after a brutal knife attack, which cost three people their lives. Eight more visitors were wounded, five of them severely. Whilst our hearts go out to the victims and their relatives, we know at the same time that we have to prepare ourselves. In the latest article , we will focus on deadly knife attacks in public as we occupy ourselves with hazardous scenes and mass casualty incidents.
Interdisciplinary Teamwork During Rescue Operations
July 31st, 2024
When EMS personnel respond to a call, they often work together with other professional teams. Who are they? What does it take in terms of communication and coordination to accomplish a successful rescue operation? We will elucidate various scenarios, a few potential difficulties, but also recommended strategies in the latest article . I wish you an insightful read and pleasant summer weeks.
A Risky Part of Any Flight
May 31st 2024
The so-called runway incursions can have fatal consequences. Many a factor enhances the likelihood of such an occurrence. How can air traffic controllers, pilots, but also vehicle drivers at airports contribute to diminish the risk? What technical solutions are there? In my latest article , we will look at these topics step by step.
Why Is it so Important to Look at Contributing Factors?
April 29th, 2024
As any other air crash, the runway incursion which resulted in a tragic accident at Los Angeles International Airport, LAX, in 1991, was meticulously investigated. What factors contributed to the air traffic controller´s human error? Did the improvements that were made at LAX help to minimise the rate of runway incursions? You can read the answers to these questions and all about the accident in my latest article .
Was It Really the Air Traffic Controller´s Fault?
March 30th, 2024
When two aeroplanes collided near the town of Überlingen, Germany, on July 1st, 2002, the air traffic controller had made mistakes. However, in what circumstances did he have to work that night? What else contributed to the devastating air disaster? Read all about it in my latest article.
You Can Order the First Volume of the Special CRM Collection
March 24th, 2024
You will find an order form as well as all information on the availability of the printed edition at "A Special CRM Book Series".
I hope to be able to offer you payment by credit card from the end of April.
You can look inside the book right here:

Air Traffic Controllers Need Unique Abilities
February 11th, 2024
In the latest blog article , the air traffic controllers make their grand entrance. What exceptional abilities and knowledge do they already need when they apply for their apprenticeship? Where are the challenges in their daily work and what role does CRM play? We will also look at automation in this profession.

Is There Unlimited Freedom Above the Clouds?
January 31st, 2024
In contrast to the vehicles on a highly frequented motorway, airliners don´t fly as closely packed. Nevertheless, the density of modern air traffic is immense, and the planes can approach one another rapidly. It is the air traffic controllers´ job to prevent this and, thus, major mid-air collisions. Where and with what resources do ATC employees direct every single aeroplane? What role does CRM play in this highly responsible profession? Read all about it in the latest blog article.

Now You Can Order Consulting for Textbook Authors
March 24th, 2024
You can find ample information about my Consulting for Textbook Authors and book appointments since March 2024. Of course, you can first try out the consulting free of charge and without commitment. I´m looking forward to working with you on your project.

New in 2024
January 11th, 2024
First of all, I wish you and your loved ones a Happy New Year. In addition, I wish you every success with your work, especially when using PCM and CRM, but also with all the texts you will compose.
This year, you will find new services on this website. My consulting for textbook authors will start from March 2024 (the respective page is being prepared). Three book series are in the making as you can read on the page "Self-Published Books" . You can find more detailed information about my series "A Special CRM Collection", the textbook "Crew Resource Management" , and the comprehensive series "Author-Publisher of Textbooks", when you click on the links.
I will keep you updated on this "Latest News" page. If you want to be the first who learns about important news along with tips concerning PCM, CRM, and writing/self-publishing, sign up to my Newsletter.
News About Seminar Prices: No Increases in 2024
January 13th, 2024
Also this year, I won´t increase the prices of PCM & CRM Seminars so that you can undergo further training even in these economically difficult times.
As PCM and CRM help you greatly when dealing with your colleagues and customers and as they can enhance your operational results, you may mention your attended seminars in your tax application.
PCM & CRM Seminars in 2024, Beginners and Advanced Learners
January 13th, 2024
I offer seminars in Munich on the following dates this year:
- PCM Seminar One: 21-23 June 2024
- PCM Advanced Seminar: 11-13 October 2024
- CRM Seminar for Beginners: 28-30 June 2024
- CRM Seminar for Advanced Learners: 25-27 October 2024
If you want to book an inhouse-seminar, please Contact me.
Order Your Individual PCM Personality Profile
You want to know how your personality is built, independently of a PCM seminar? Explained to you in a one-on-one consultation?
Then, I´ve got something for you: You can order your PCM Personality Profile with me without booking a seminar.
The way from your order placement to your finished Personality Profile:
- you order on this page with me
- I will send you an email with the link which leads to the questionnaire
- of course, I will assist you, in case you need any help as you fill in the questionnaire
- as soon as you have filled in the questionnaire, I will compile your documents
- I will make an appointment for a personal consultation with you
- in the greater Munich area and in Southern Bavaria the meeting can take place in person, otherwise it will be online
On the page linked above, I have gathered all the information you may need. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at any time.
I´m looking forward to hearing from you!
Totally Relaxed in Advent
December 8th, 2023
Exciting challenge or leisure and in-depth reflection? Unconditional acceptance in a familiar group or lots of fun with several short contacts? All of these are indeed needs, which we feel according to our personality traits. You can read in the Advent Article, what connections there are between meeting these needs, stress prevention, and superb performances. In this beautiful time of year, we should keep our head despite the addional duties. I wish you an illuminating read and a cosy pre-Christmas season.
The Connections Between the Authority Gradient, the Behaviour in Teams, and Safety
November 30th, 2023
In the latest blog article we will explore, what connections exist between behaviours from submissiveness to aggressiveness, the authority gradient in a team and its resulting behaviour. How does this influence the quality of our teamwork and, ultimately, safety?
Critical Incident Reporting Systems, CIRS
September 30th, 2023
In my latest blog article, you can read about who can report cases to a CIRS, what these are, and how the submitted cases are analysed in a structured manner by particularly trained experts. You will also learn what is new to the London Protocol in its second edition and why this is so crucial when the causes of errors are investigated. I wish you an exciting read!
The Boeing 737 MAX 8 and Its Hidden MCAS Features
September 4th, 2023
When Boeing constructed the 737 MAX 8 as a response to the A330neo, which its competitor Airbus had launched with great success, the timeline and the similarity of the new plane to its predecessor were crucial. In the latest blog article , we will discover how the substantial changes to the MCAS were communicated and assessed.
We will explore, what the pilots experienced and what they did in the cockpits during the two doomed flights LT 610 and ET 302. How did Boeing and the FAA react? What can we learn from how the entire process and the disasters were handled?
Why Does an Airliner Crash Into the Ocean in Just Over Four Minutes?
July 13th, 2023
The crash of flight AF 447 into the Atlantic Ocean in 2009 is one of the most complex air accidents which have ever happened. In the latest blog article , we will use the material published so far to shed light on crucial circumstances, actions, but also disregarded relevant CRM principles that contributed to the events, which are perplexing to this day. What has changed since then?
Humans or Machines?
June 30th, 2023
The first question is whether this "or" can exist at all. A myriad of other questions emerges concerning the use of automation. Amongst them, what role humans play in monitoring the machines and how they can interact with them best. What opportunities and risks does automation bring about? What relevance have our human, as well as our rigorously trained professional skills got today? In the latest blog article , we will pursue these questions and, thereby, concern ourselves with aviation and fascinating medical specialities. By the way, don´t forget to enjoy the summer!