As my customers, I want to serve you perfectly. With your great observations, witty suggestions, and your well reflected comments, you help me enormously along my way as I strive continuously to optimise your seminars, discussions of personality profiles, as well as all other services.
Below, I have gathered my customers´ previous opinions for you to read.
Customers´ Opinions on Discussions of Personality Profiles
Besprechung PCM Persönlichkeitsprofil in München 2023
After having sendt the questionnaire to Dr Schottdorf and after it has been analysed, she discussed it with me in-depth in a long and personal consultation. With no previous knowledge in this field, I was also pleasantly surprised by how well I had assessed myself. The comprehensive documents are helpful. Dr Schottdorf is highly qualified and committed.
Sven Beyreiß
PCM Personality Profile Consultation, Bad Wurzach, 2021
To get to know oneself better - it is easy and difficult at the same time. Ms Schottdorf has given us - my husband and me - an important key to that lately. Even though, of course, we had found and collected several valuable insights and, thus, well-fitting keys already, as singles and later as a married couple and partners who support one another.
Such insights are often connected to painful experiences and not to be obtained easily. In our opinion, knowing our respective personality profiles and the percentage of the personality types may help us to analyse our planned and real behaviour better. Hence, we will manage the occasional tricky situation in our social environment. The hours, which we have spent with Ms Schottdorf, have been truly enriching.
B. and R. Ebel, Bad Wurzach
Consultation with a Customer in Bonn Online, 2021
Ms Schottdorf has generated a profile for me based on a questionnaire. Following that, she has discussed it with me in detail. She manages expertly to convey even complex facts in a descriptive and comprehensible manner.
Using the profile and the accompanying documents, I understand myself far better now. The findings are truly informative and of great and sustainable value, concerning both my private, as well as my professional life.
Absolutely recommendable!
Dina E., Bonn
PCM Personality Profile Consultation, Munich, 2021
"I have discussed my Personality Profile with Ms Schottdorf.
Ms Schottdorf has informed me expertly about the important facts. As an employee, I understand now, how to tackle certain issues, in order to avoid possibly disadvantageous behaviour.
Also in private, I understand now how to satisfy my psychological needs. Together with my girlfriend, I have gone through the documents once again. Now, she can judge me better and knows how to approach me in stressful situations. In conclusion, I can say that the consultation with Ms Schottdorf has helped me a lot."
Karl P.
PCM Personality Profile Consultation, Munich, 2021
"After I had filled in the PCM Questionnaire first, Ms Schottdorf discussed my Personality Profile with me.
This lingered on for a few days as I thought much about myself and observed myself.
It has hit the nail on the head
It has hit the nail on the head! As presumably most people, I have developed an own image of myself through the years using outward view, as well as introspection.
The Personality Structure, which the PCM questionnaire has established, is greatly consistent with many aspects of myself. Now, I can truly tell that all my traits as a whole have been defined. This definition is a lot more comprehensive than my own self-concept.
During the discussion of my Personality Profile I felt "caught" time and again. In a friendly manner, though, as there is no "good" or "bad".
As I know much more about myself now, I will surely manage to navigate through my life better. For instance, I can recognise more easily now what negative situations trigger the matching reactions inside of me.
Good for Our Relationship
My wife has also received counselling on her Personality Profile from Ms Schottdorf. We are surprised how beneficial this has been to our relationship. As we understand better now what makes each of us tick, we are able to avoid potential conflicts and support each other more sufficiently.
The same holds true for work and life choices. If one knows about one´s strengths and what is not beneficial to oneself, one can position oneself better and avoid adverse situations more easily.
Taken together, all of that has convinced me strongly and I really appreciate that Ms Schottdorf is going to offer her counselling on Personality Profiles on a larger scale."
Rudolf Lauster
PCM Personality Profile Consultation with a customer in Munich, 2019
"Ms Schottdorf explained my Personality Profile to me in a truly clear and sensitive manner. Time and again, I enjoy reading the documents which I received - they are a wonderful manual for a better lifestyle. Particularly memorable is the house which clearly illustrates the emphases of my Personality Types."
Christine P.-N., building biologist, Munich
Customers´ Opinions on Seminars
PCM Seminar One, Trier, 2019
"Eva-Maria Schottdorf gave the seminar a very lively style. She was extremely well prepared for all questions, and was able to provide the group with a perfect answer at all times. Absolutely recommendable and interesting.
I did not have any previous knowledge, but could easily comprehend her explanations. Ms Schottdorf delivered the basics in an easy-to-understand manner. Thus, I can transfer them into my everyday life. In particular, I liked her visual presentations.
An ideal Seminar and absolutely handy in day-to-day life. Her presentation style was flawless and animated the group to participate. The group size of six attendees was perfect. However, the seminar is suited for ten or more participants, as well.
There are no negative points to be mentioned."
T. Windhäuser, Trier
PCM Seminar One, Trier, 2019
"For me personally it was an experience and an enrichment, which I can perfectly utilise in my private life, as well as professionally.
I would like to see that all colleagues had the opportunity to have this experience, because I think that this would ameliorate the way we deal with each other and understand one another. Thank you again for this great experience."
A. Schäfer, Trier
What you will learn in my seminars in Munich or in-house.
What Your Individual PCM Personality Profile holds ready for you: