About My Seminars You Can Read Here:
1. A Short Introduction
"Not from books, but through the lively exchange of ideas, through mirthful sociability you must learn."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
In order to make further education more affordable in economically challenging times, I won´t increase my seminar prices in 2024, either. Please remember your attended seminar when filing your tax application.
If you have already made up your mind, you can book your seminar right away. Otherwise, you will find helpful information below.
You are confused by all the types of seminars mentioned above? Don´t worry. Step by step, I will give you all the important pieces of information you might need. For all my seminars, you will find the following items below:
- a brief description of the respective seminar type
- for whom a certain seminar is suitable
- the contents - what you will learn
- your benefit
- seminar venues and dates
- the minimum and maximum numbers of participants
- the respective price
- how you can continue further after your seminar

If you wish to read more about the Process Communication Model®first, please click here. Its six Personality Types cpmrise: Thinker, Harmoniser, Imaginer, Persister, Promoter and Rebel.
Here, you can find interesting facts about Crew Resource Management, CRM.
You can find information on topical issues here.
2. I Offer The Following Seminars
You can click on a seminar type to go there directly.
- PCM Seminar One
- PCM Advanced Seminar
- Other PCM Seminar Types Available on Request
- CRM Seminar für Einsteiger
- CRM Seminar for Advanced Learners
All seminars are available as inhouse-seminars at your location, as well.
2.1. PCM Seminar One
2.1.1. A Brief Description
In this three-day seminar you will be introduced to PCM. There will be short lectures, as well as varied exercices, which provide you with the opportunity to try and learn communication techniques together with your fellow participants. Your personality profile will be of particular importance. We will refer back to it regularly.

2.1.2. For Whom Is the PCM Seminar One Suitable?
Anyone can participate. Everyone can learn, how to use their own personality in an optimum manner when dealing with themselves or others. In addition, anyone, who likes fun or commitment, can employ the effcient communication tools.
2.1.3. What You Will Learn in Seminar One
- about your dominant character strengths
- how to mobilise the energy to use your strengths
- how to detect stress in yourself or others and how to find ways out of it
- how to communicate effectively with every personality type
- many other exciting and useful PCM components

2.1.4. Your Benefit - Your Message Comes Across and You Can Avoid Distress
Your message will come across, no matter whether you communicate at work or in private.
You will know how to detect unnecessary stress or, even better, how to avoid it before it emerges. This holds true in your daily life or when dealing with yourself and others.
2.1.5. The Date for the Next PCM Seminar One
21-23 June 2024
2.1.6. The Minimum and Maximum Numbers of Seminar Participants
Six to fifteen participants are an ideal group size.
2.1.7. Seminar Price
1499,- euros including sales tax
Included in the price are:
- your individual personality profile
- the official Seminar Script
- comprehensive extra training material, such as the flipchart record
- tips on how to apply PCM every day
- refreshments, snacks, and lunch
- fun, excitement, and new contacts
How You Can Continue Further After Your Seminar
- I will send you off with tips on how to apply PCM daily
- you can enroll into the PCM Advanced Seminar with me
Book your PCM Seminar now.
2.1.9. Your Individual PCM Personality Profile and the Price of the PCM Seminar One
You can order Your Individual PCM Personality Profile including a one-on-one discussion with me independently from a seminar, as well. If you book a PCM Seminar One afterwards, your price will be reduced by 200,00 euros.
In case you bring your previous PCM Personality Profile from elsewhere with you, your price for the PCM Seminar One will be reduced by Profile price which is charged at the point in time at which you book your seminar. You can fill in the questionnaire anew if you want a current Profile (in this case, you will have to pay the full price for PCM Seminar One).
2.2. PCM Advanced Seminar
2.2.1. A Brief Description of the PCM Advanced Seminar
During the seminar, we will recapitulate and expand vital basics, such as communication or how to recognise and avoid stress. We will practise these basics intensively.
Furthermore, we will introduce new topics. For example, what happens in long-lasting stressful situations, and how PCM helps reliably during these times.
Please bring your personality profile, as we will continue to work with it.
2.2.2. For Whom Is the PCM Advanced Seminar Suitable?
The PCM Advanced Seminar is suitable for all who have already completed their Seminar One, and now want to develop their skills further.
2.2.3. What You Will Learn in the PCM Advanced Seminar
You will refresh your previous knowledge and gain experience in applying PCM. Moreover, you can look into the above mentioned topics, which is really exciting!
2.2.4. Your Benefit - You Are Able to Apply PCM at Any Moment
The more you practise, the easier you can recognise PCM moments in your daily life and apply your skills.
As you will work with your personality profile intensively in synopsis with your course of life, you will understand events of the past and the present, as well as interpersonal interactions more easily.
Of course, you do not have to tell anyone anything about your private life. This also holds true for the seminars.
2.1.5. The Date for the Next PCM Advanced Seminar
11-13 October 2024
2.2.6. The Minimum and Maximum Numbers of Seminar Participants
Six to fifteen participants are an ideal group size.
2.2.7. Price
1249,- euros including sales tax
Included in the price are:
- the official Seminar Script
- comprehensive extra training material, such as the flipchart record
- tips on how to apply PCM every day
- refreshments, snacks, and lunch
- fun, excitement, and new contacts
2.2.8. How You Can Continue Further After Your Seminar
I encourage you to keep at PCM in everyday life. I will provide you with varied exercises online, to which you can subscribe if you wish.
I am happy to discuss how to become a certified PCM trainer or coach with you. You cannot book the necessary classes with me. Thus, I would recommend you.
Book your PCM Advanced Seminar now.
2.3. Other PCM Seminar Types Are Available on Request
I offer the following options as inhouse-seminars only. Of course, we can discuss in advance which topics are most important to you. The standardised, high-quality training materials will be used in these seminars, too.
2.3.1. Seminar "High Performing Teams"
Duration: 2-4 days
This seminar is suitable for teams and teamleaders. You will learn how to communicate with one another constructively.
Amongst others, we will shed light on the different personality types and their preferred ways to perceive the world. You will learn how to address the various personality types most effectively.
Additionally, we will discuss the main relationship conflicts in groups and find solutions in order to communicate and collaborate with one another competently.
2.3.2. Seminar "Facilitating Top Management"
Duration: 1-2 days
This seminar is suitable for middle and top management. It will help you to advance your personal and professional leadership qualities using PCM concepts.
Amongst others, we will discuss the personality types, and the personality structure, motivational strategies, and how you can intervene should distress arise.
2.3.3. Process Communication Model® Seminar
"Key to Me"
Duration: 1-2 days
In this seminar, we will take care of the persons themselves and not the interaction with one another.
Using PCM as a personality model, we will elucidate the preferred way to perceive the world, and the personality structure, the individually best way to recharge the batteries, as well as distress behaviour, and more.
Please feel free to call me to obtain more information, or to make an appointment:
+49 (0)1577/8913707
You can post me your written request here:
2.4. CRM Seminar for Beginners
2.4.1. A Brief Description of the CRM Seminar for Beginners
In this three-day seminar we will beginn with the basics of CRM. Using short lectures and varied exercises, I will show you how you can minimise the risk of failure by applying excellent teamwork and precise communication.
Further topics will include leadership, decision making, and work load management, for example.
2.4.2. For Whom Is the CRM Seminar for Beginners Suitable?
Anyone can take part. No matter from what line of business you are, whether you are in a leading position, or a team member.
2.4.3. What You Will Learn in the CRM Seminar for Beginners
- what resources you have at your disposal
- how you can distribute and monitor tasks efficiently
- how you can carry out tasks and report back the results as a team member
- how to employ all your resources visely and efficiently when collaborating as a team
- how you can communicate precisely in order to prevent misunderstandings
- how you can make sound decisions together with your team
- wie Sie die Arbeit so verteilen, daß jedes Mitglied optimal eingebunden ist
- how to deal with human factors constructively
- plus a lot of tried and tested tips and tricks

2.4.4. Your Benefit - Satisfaction, Minimisation of Failure, and Reduction of Costs
You will contribute remarkably to accomplishing tasks in any team position.
You will help to minimise failure in your team, and, thus, to enhance your customers´ or patients´ satisfaction.
You will save money as recourse claims are less likely.
You will contribute to enhance work efficiency.
You will optimise the collaboration with your colleagues, and subsequently increase your teams´ satisfaction, as well as the achievements.
2.4.5. The Date of the Next CRM Seminar for Beginners
28-30 June 2024
2.4.6. The Minimum and Maximum Numbers of Seminar Participants
Six to fifteen participants are an ideal group size.
2.4.7. Price
1499,- euros including sales tax
Included in the price are:
- Seminar Script CRM Seminar for Beginners
- comprehensive extra training material, such as the flipchart record
- tips on how to apply CRM every day
- refreshments, snacks, and lunch
- fun, excitement, and new contacts
2.4.8. How You Can Continue Further After Your Seminar
I will send you off with a wealth of tips on how you can integrate CRM in your day-to-day work together with your team.
I invite you to enroll into my CRM Seminar for Advanced Learners.
In healthcare, you can book a simulation training. I am happy to provide you with recommendations.
Book CRM Seminar for Advanced Learners
2.5. CRM Seminar for Advanced Learners
2.5.1. A Brief Description of the CRM Seminar for Advanced Learners
Now, we will build on your skills and knowledge of teamwork, and efficient communication, decision making, and leadership. We will address human factors, and combine new topics with your previous knowledge in exciting and diversified exercises.
2.5.2. For Whom Is the CRM Seminar for Advanced Learners Suitable?
In order to derive the ideal benefit from your seminar, you should have completed the CRM Seminar for Beginners first or possess similar previous knowledge. If you are in doubt, please do not hesitate to contact me. Either under the number +49 (0)1577/8013707, or right here:
What You Will Learn
- how you can establish an error management, which will eradicate the root causes of mistakes
- how to act anticipatorily and recognise threats early using situational awareness
- how to deal with the startle effect and keep working camly
- how to minimise stress and fatigue successfully
- how to establish maintenance resource management, MRM
- how to deal with increasing automation
- as always, we will provide you with tried and tested tips and tricks
2.5.4. Your Benefit - Working Confidently, Also in Demanding Situations
You will know how to find the root causes of mistakes and how to eradicate them permanently.
You can establish an error management, in which mistakes will not be camouflaged, but attended to and seen as a learning opportunity.
You will manage not to panic and act aimlessly in an unusual situation, but to deliver solid work in this very moment.
You will know how to manage yourself and how to engage in the teamwork, in order to support the overall achievement successfully.
2.4.5. The Date of the Next CRM Seminar for Advanced Learners
25-27 October 2024
2.5.6. The Minimum and Maximum Numbers of Seminar Participants
Six to fifteen participants are an ideal group size.
2.5.7. Price
1499,- euros including sales tax
Included in the price are:
- Seminar Script CRM Seminar for Advanced Learners
- comprehensive extra training material, such as the flipchart record
- tips on how to apply CRM every day
- refreshments, snacks, and lunch
- fun, excitement, and new contacts
2.5.8. How You Can Continue Further After Your Seminar
I encourage you to apply CRM in your daily work routine. Of course, I will answer any questions you may have.
You are welcome to book a follow-up seminar to refresh your knowledge. Concerning the contents, I will suit your interests.
Book CRM Seminar for Advanced Learners
3. The Seminar Venue Munich
Munich offers the Bavarian way of life, naturally, but also arts and culture, as well as beautiful corners, and abundant greenery. The latter can be found in the English Garden or Nymphenburg Park, for instance.

4. Have You Got a Question or Suggestion? Please Contact Me
Book your seminar today.
All seminar dates will also be published in my Newsletter.
Exciting news are presented concisely on "Latest News".